BH&A is a family-owned 401(k) boutique that plays a leadership role in the retirement benefit industry. Our ideas continually receive attention from the national media. We think this is due to our unique combination of years of experience, a broad scope of perspectives attributable to the consulting, legal and recordkeeping functions we perform, our unbending commitment to morals and ethics, and our passionate quest to help people retire in dignity, not despair.

Articles spotlighting our ideas or quoting our thoughts have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Worth Magazine, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, Reader's Digest, The Dallas Morning News, Plan Sponsor, The Journal of Pension Benefits and numerous other publications.

Brooks Hamilton has appeared on The CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, Closing Bell with Maria Bartiromo on CNBC, Kiplinger's Finance News that is syndicated to stations across the country, and on Good Day Dallas/Fort Worth, Fox's local morning show in Dallas.

Mr. Hamilton is a Senior Fellow with the National Center For Policy Analysis and is co-author of their publication Reinventing Retirement Income in America.

In January, 2002 Mr. Hamilton spoke at a Briefing Confe0.rence for Congressional Aides in Washington, D.C. regarding 401(k) Issues. In addition, he has presented his ideas at the The Profit Sharing/401(k) Council of America Midwest Regional Conference in March, 2001 and at the IIR Limited "DC Market in the Stakeholder Pension Environment" conference in London ini November, 1999.

  © 2007 Brooks Hamilton & Partners