401(k) PITFALLS || 401(k) SOLUTIONS || HOW HEALTHY IS YOUR 401(k) ?


Our Services

We offer the following services:

State of the Art 401(k) Consulting
From initial Plan design to advice on the latest regulation, we offer innovative advice based on moral integrity, a combination of disciplines, and years of experience. We do not sell mutual funds or securities nor do we provide investment advice; therefore, our recommendations are absolutely objective, solely geared toward doing the best for your employees. Over the years we have been among the very first in the country to counsel our clients regarding:

  • Automatic Enrollment
  • Pre-mixed Efficient Investment Portfolios
  • $uper$aver
  • We can show you how to automate the main activites in your Plan:
    • Enrollment (get 'em in)
    • Employee contributions (get 'em contributing)
    • Employee investment elections (get 'em invested)
    • Benefit distributions (get 'em out)

  • Legal Services - We handle IRS approval of your Plan, preparation of Form 5500s including signing and filing, and on-going consultations regarding the myriad legal and ethical issues faced by 401(k) Plan Sponsors. We can help you build a legal firewall around your 401(k) Plan, making it virtually impervious to lawsuits.
  • Recordkeeping - We provide full recordkeeping services, everything from loan amortization schedules through Plan valuations to discrimination testing. We use our own proprietary systems to perform these tasks, so we are nimble and quick. You will never hear us say "Our system can't do that."
  • Customized Participant Communication - From Transition paks to Auto Enroll paks, from Quarterly Statements to customized Employment Termination Withdrawal Forms, we provide easy-to-read communications customized for each person. Nothing leaves our office addressed "Dear 401(k) Plan Participant"!
  • ERISA Master Provider Administration - You can capitalize on economies of scale and achieve a cohesive vision for your Plan by packaging our Consulting, Legal, Recordkeeping and Communication services into one streamlined set of ERISA Master Provider Administration services.


  © 2007 Brooks Hamilton & Partners